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Same tune - different arrangement

we've been asked to run a few different versions of a well known song. It started off as one version and has now morphed into 7 different versions - but all the same song. funny thing is, that you hear one version and think, oh, that's great and then you play another and think........ oh that's great and then another and so on. Must be so difficult for the requestor to finally make the choice that they take forward. I almost feel that each arrangement is a form of 'life' in notes and if some arrangements are dejected in place of others, I feel a kind of remorse for the 'poor child' that get's left behind and never sees the light of day again. Any way enough of the melancholy, all I can say is well done to Kal's Kats musicians for running each of them to a mighty fine standard and i'm sure our requestor will have a difficult choice to make - albeit theirs to make :-)

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