Kats go Boogaloo
a long trek from Derbyshire all the way down to Torquay - we hired a 17 seater minibus and started the long trek down around 11am and arrived there at 3pm all in good time for our stage set up and sound check at 4.30pm, then a little bit of a chill before dinner at 6.30pm and then down to the Victoria Ballroom at 8pm to watch an excellent rock n roll band called rocking the house who played until 10pm and then it was our turn from 10-30 - midnight and we had them dancing like crazy. With the epitome of the night being our rendition of sing sing sing going into Cantina from Star Wars - that got every one buzzing. The comments we received from folks were superb with people saying 'we'll be following Kal's Kats all over the country'
we are there again actually in Bournemouth for another jump jive weekender and are looking forward to that one as well.