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NottingJam Homecoming swing dance

Well now, when you play for a Lindyhop dance group - you know what’s going to happen - The lid will go off the play as soon as you play your first numbered that’s exactly what happened when Kal’s Kats went along to the Marcus Garvey ballroom in Nottingham to play for the NottingJam homecoming party.

Folks and dancers had travelled from around the country to come along and play at this event and what a cracker it was.

We got there early to get set up and sound check, and that was when the panic set in - what’s happening with the sound!! The room in really long with a bevelled room all the way along and hence its like firing noises and sounds down a long tube, creating a really boomy reverb style sound. Luckily our digital mixing desk has a load of presets designed to work through every scenario and with a ton of our our brainpower (not really, just random presets button hitting) we were suddenly there with a lovely sound. Id love to be able to say something smart and technical about what our settings were, but I’ve absolutely no idea at all:-)

However, a lesson for the future when playing in this elongated type of cylinder is to try to position slave repeater speakers half way along.

So, with sound all sorted, we were ready for action - We opened up with Sing Sing Sing and what a fantastic atmosphere as everyone just took to the dance floor and went for it big time.

Competitions took place as well along with tuition from some very notable dance instructors.

Our Balance of music including 40’s and 50’s style swing sure seemed to hit the spot and with that, our sincere thanks to Hollie Taylor and all her team for having us along to play for a really fantastic event.

Here is a little reminder video.

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